
Showing posts from May, 2018
Dear Government, Right now i don't really know exactly where this country is heading but i know it isn't the right way. You keep claiming that the things you do are for the sake of your country and yet the things that you are doing are not focusing on the real problems but cause more chaos in the system. You also claim to be wanting to protect the 2nd amendment, the amendment that is killing you next generation. You say that you are going to get rid of all that terrorizes this country including people protected by DACA because apparently being a son or daughter of an illegal immigrant instantly makes you a threat to this country. News flash, this country was made from immigrants. The real threat is not illegal immigrants or DACA but your own people who were born and raised here. They are the real criminals. They are the ones killing you next generation by the so-called guns you protect. You would rather protect you “guns” and business than your own people. Wow what patrio
Why... Why now... Why try to create something impossible... Why change something that is ineliminable... Why try to show yourself to the world that only focuses on itself... Why... Because this is my generation.